May 2009

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Boost Your Child’s IQ

We have many expectations from our children. Right from the time they are born we like to see them on top of everything. The cutting edge competition existing in our society makes sure that a…

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Healthy Eating Habits

Today world over, obesity has become a common phenomenon, thanks to the culture of junk food. The biggest victims of this culture are children who love to munch on quick foods. Here, parents have a…

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Emotional Intelligence in children

Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize your emotions and understand what they’re telling you. Realization of how your emotions affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception. EI allows one to manage…

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Positive Parenting Habits

The relationship between child and parents’ requires balance and efforts. Parents must be very understanding and tolerant. Losing your temper is not likely to help the cause. The times, we are living in surely give…

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Vedic maths

Vedic maths is an original form of Indian arithmetic concept. Multiplications and all other modalities of math can be done in a short time using simple standard tricks. This is a scientific study where the…

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Diet for menopause

Diet for women at 40s (menopause) Menopause in women occurs when they reach in their 40s. Women undergo several physical as well as psychological changes during this stage. In order to obtain emotional balance, two…