Articles by admin

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How To Deal With Difficult Children

The word ‘Children’ and the word ‘difficult’ have nearly become synonymous at many times in today’s’ fast paced world. Difficult children do not need to receive difficult parental treatment. If anything, these children need to…

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Stress and exams

Exams are a way to build seriousness in a curriculum. Schools give notice much ahead in advance so that the child has enough time to learn and practice. The extra classes are just to give…

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Permissive Parenting

How much to discipline and how much to be flexible Permissive parenting is parenting with very ambiguous and fuzzy boundaries at most times. The concept being,  Parenting which is permissive by nature. Allowing or giving…

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Sibling arrival

The arrival of a sibling is a happy phase for a child. Just as parents expect their second born, the child also seeks company. With many preparations done for the arrival of the second born…

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curriculum for preschoolers

A growing child is in awe of everything around her. All kids are endowed with intelligence except that it has to be stimulated well. The age till five and eight is a very receptive stage….