Articles by admin

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Women at Work

Women at the workplace are increasingly taking on the roles of worthy adversaries against their male counterparts so much so that statistics have been conducted to provide facts to show that women make better CEOs…

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Being needed is probably the most important aspect for human beings to feel motivated to do things. ‘Appreciation’ is the second most important one. Without these two together, it is difficult to find a sense…

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Dowry System

The history of oppression and torture against women in Indian societies has been going on for centuries whether it was Sati, child marriages, or the isolation of widows. Given this context, the oppression of women…

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Indian Customs and Traditions

The concept of ‘respect’ and its related terminologies like reverence and honour is vital to our understanding of Indian customs and traditions. Even a casual survey of the Indian way of life would reveal this…

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Adoption in India

Child adoption in India is not a new phenomenon but has been in existence for a long time. However, this practice was generally confined within the family or among close family friends and ties. In…

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Festivals in India

India celebrates a number of festivals all throughout the year owing to it’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity. Often times the festivals may be the same but are known by different names and may vary…

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Indian Celebrations

Harvest festivals in India form a significant aspect of India’s culture. Almost all of the states in India have been traditionally celebrating this event since time immemorial. Held annually and given the difference in geographical…

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Lifestyle Trends

Our busy lives often tend to stress us out little by little everyday. The drive is increasingly to maximize available time by finding quicker ways to do more work in less time. This may amount…

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Indian Legends

In Native American immortal love legends, the story of Pocahontas, the daughter of the Chief of a Native American tribe is most popular. Not only is it an account of the colonial history of America…

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Car Safety for Kids

Car safety is an important factor for the safety of your child as in America only, 40% of the total child death number happens in car accidents. In India more than 60,000 children die every…