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Learn Dancing

The experience of learning dance can be summed up in one word; entertaining. Whether one chooses dance as a hobby or profession, it is complete fun. However, mastering a certain dance style requires hard work…

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Parenting Tips

Parenting is a wonderful experience. The joy and sheer happiness one feels as a parent is simply unmatchable. Many of the reader must be going to become parents in coming time. For them, finding a…

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Handling Arguing Child

Parenting is never a smooth journey. It involves following a path with lots of deviations. It’s not a well-defined job where your task is limited to certain arenas. Parenting involves improvisation. There is no fixed…

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Toys for Kids

Animal toys The cutest amongst all toys are the little animals, birds, insects and the reptiles. Though created with the intention of primarily entertaining the child, parents and teachers, alike use it to also educate…

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Parenting Materials

Parenting is no easy feat. It requires patience, perseverance and lots of energy. Responsibility of often the buzzword associated with parenting. Parenting implies, one is ready to handle any challenge life throws at him. There…

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Dealing with an Austistic Child

While dealing with an Austistic child, encourage his/her to unleash his/her creative side. All of us have some creative talent in all of us it only needs to be unleashed and built. Observe what your…