Effective Parenting skills

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Intelligent Child

Intelligence is a precious asset. Parents love to find their child’s intelligence and some of them feel it’s their prime duty to enhance the intelligence of the kids. But different parents take this intelligence issue…

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Handling Arguing Child

Parenting is never a smooth journey. It involves following a path with lots of deviations. It’s not a well-defined job where your task is limited to certain arenas. Parenting involves improvisation. There is no fixed…

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Parenting Materials

Parenting is no easy feat. It requires patience, perseverance and lots of energy. Responsibility of often the buzzword associated with parenting. Parenting implies, one is ready to handle any challenge life throws at him. There…

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Positive Parenting Habits

The relationship between child and parents’ requires balance and efforts. Parents must be very understanding and tolerant. Losing your temper is not likely to help the cause. The times, we are living in surely give…