Evening shower:

Most mothers do not pay attention to the evening shower that helps a child to refresh and relax from a hectic schedule of school, tuitions and other classes. Parents should encourage the habit of an evening shower in children as it helps the child to feel rejuvenated. Children dirty themselves during breaks, while playing during sport hours, with other children etc. An evening shower is like a good break that your child can get.


 It is said that humid climatic conditions makes the skin oily and thus this skin invites dirt and dust. To keep the skin clean and soft, it is essential that moms make their children go for an evening bath or an evening shower. Out of laziness, your child may refuse to take a bath or a shower and rather than forcing him and locking him up inside a bathroom try and explain to him what would happen if he or she wouldn’t take a bath. Sometimes, fear of dirty skin or germs sticking on the body will make your child rush to the bathroom and have his/her shower.


It is also necessary to inculcate this discipline at an early age so that in your child’s growing years, he is given all the right training that will stay with him forever.  A luke warm water shower also helps to increase blood circulation and scrubbing the body with a scrubber or a brush helps to remove all the dead skin. In winters or in dry climatic conditions, body lotion should be used. There are mild body lotions that are available for children.

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