As children grow, they start picking up ideas from the environment and especially, from people around. They store those ideas in their mind and out of those, some become the benchmark for judging other ideas, people and objects. They are at a stage when they don’t really know much about life and that could be very disturbing at times. Meanwhile they grasp ideas fast, they also build likes/dislikes/habits which stay with them for a long time if not changed.
And some of those likings/dislikings/habits could have an adverse effect on their physical, mental and spiritual health as well as a bad effect to their future well-being. As a parent, you are understanding that very well and that might be a concern for you.
I would say “Relax!”
A good parent is one who knows how to lead themselves and their children to the right path.
There are some four steps that can help you change their likings/dislikings/habits :
- Sit with your children as much as possible or rather start playing with your children as often as you can. Make them feel you are not just a parent but you wish them well always. They will slowly start trusting you more as a friend which will further lead you to being accepted as a trustworthy parent by your children.
- Once you have built a rapport or a strong connection, you must clarify their doubts and try to realistically answer as many questions as possible. Once they start asking you questions and there might be a few answers from your end that can help you build your respectful image in front of your child.
- They start looking forward to you as an inspiration. Now, it is your duty to create an urge within them to know more in life. Moreover, they have just started listening to you. Thats a very good sign. That proves you can now easily change their likings/dislikings/habits to a great extent though the inner engineering of sensual system might take a little more time than normal to accept the inititiative of making changes in their lives.
- Let them take their time. You must not force them to change neither criticize them to change. Let them build a self-communicative environment within themselves that helps them to make best friends with themselves. That will help them get more comfortable while handling their responsibilities at hand. Once they get more comfortable handling themselves, they will automatically want to change their habits/likings/dislikings naturally and as soon as possible.
Remember, a demanding parent or a parent with a lot of expectations from their children can never change their children in any way positively neither can be successful in their relationships with their children. A parents hyper-active behavior can in fact infest their child’s behavior with negative thinking, immorality, rebel and hatred. Ultimately, Choice Is Your’s.
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